"dont take life too serious, just do you."


Goodbye ME, Hello WE

LOVE spoken. WORLD left open. Wondering when the forever kiss will happen? Releasing my mind, letting it free up to just one spark. "Goodbye Me, Hello WE" In a daze of flower, nature and purity you seem to find yourself gazing heavenly into the love reflection of ourselves. If we 2 Step away from our own perspective and look a little harder we'll see more than we do when  there is a WE instead of a ME. Paintings of Rah Crawford always expands the artistry of this beautiful world. The colors and expressive emotions seem to always make me question "Is that the truth?" or "I thought that was just me." Explore the beauty of RAH CRAWFORD and see where your head goes!.

1 comment:

  1. ooohh vintage looking so awesome!!! great are work!! and beautiful words to go alone with!!
